Courses R to R
- Richmond School of Business - BSB50120 Diploma of Business
- Richmond School of Business - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Richmond School of Business - BSB60120 Advanced Diploma of Business
- Richmond School of Business - BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Richmond School of Business - BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
- Richmond School of Business - CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry
- Richmond School of Business - CPC33020 Certificate III in Bricklaying and Blocklaying
- Richmond School of Business - CPC50220 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
- Richmond School of Business - ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology
- Richmond School of Business - ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
- Richmond School of Business - RII60520 Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design
- Ridge International College - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Ridge International College - BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Ridge International College - BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
- Ridge International College - CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Ridge International College - CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support
- Ridge International College - CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
- Ridge International College - CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support
- Ridge International College - CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
- Ridge International College - CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services
- Ridge International College - ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology
- Ridge International College - ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
- Ridge International College - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Ridge International College - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Ridge International College - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Ridge International College - SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Right Choice Training - BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
- Right Choice Training - BSB50120 & BSB50420 Dual Diploma of Business & Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Right Choice Training - BSB50120 Diploma of Business
- Right Choice Training - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Right Choice Training - BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
- Right Choice Training - BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety and ICAM Lead Investigator
- RII10115 - Certificate I in Resources and Infrastructure Operations
- RII20120 - Certificate II in Resources and Infrastructure Work Preparation
- RII20220 - Certificate II in Surface Extraction Operations
- RII20320 - Certificate II in Underground Coal Mining
- RII20420 - Certificate II in Underground Metalliferous Mining
- RII20520 - Certificate II in Resource Processing
- RII20620 - Certificate II in Mining/Field Exploration
- RII20720 - Certificate II in Civil Construction
- RII20920 - Certificate II in Drilling Operations
- RII21120 - Certificate II in Oil & Gas Drilling (Onshore) and Well Servicing
- RII30120 - Certificate III in Surface Extraction Operations
- RII30220 - Certificate III in Underground Coal Operations
- RII30320 - Certificate III in Underground Metalliferous Mining
- RII30420 - Certificate III in Resource Processing
- RII30520 - Certificate III in Mining Exploration
- RII30719 - Certificate III in Emergency Response and Rescue
- RII30820 - Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations
- RII30820 & CPC30320 - Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations & Certificate III in Concreting
- RII30920 - Certificate III in Civil Construction
- RII30920 - Certificate III in Civil Construction (Bituminous Surfacing)
- RII30920 - Certificate III in Civil Construction (Bridge Construction and Maintenance)
- RII30920 - Certificate III in Civil Construction (Civil Construction General)
- RII30920 - Certificate III in Civil Construction (Pipe Laying)
- RII30920 - Certificate III in Civil Construction (Road Construction and Maintenance)
- RII30920 - Certificate III in Civil Construction (Road Marking)
- RII30920 - Certificate III in Civil Construction (Timber Bridge Construction and Maintenance)
- RII30920 - Certificate III in Civil Construction (Traffic Management)
- RII30920 - Certificate III in Civil Construction (Tunnel Construction)
- RII31220 - Certificate III in Civil Foundations
- RII31619 - Certificate III in Trenchless Technology
- RII31820 - Certificate III in Drilling Operations
- RII31820 - Certificate III in Drilling Operations
- RII32020 - Certificate III in Drilling Oil and Gas (Onshore)
- RII32220 - Certificate III in Well Servicing Operations
- RII40120 - Certificate IV in Surface Extraction Operations
- RII40220 - Certificate IV in Surface Coal Mining (Open Cut Examiner)
- RII40320 - Certificate IV in Underground Metalliferous Mining Operations
- RII40420 - Certificate IV in Underground Coal Operations
- RII40720 - Certificate IV in Civil Construction
- RII40720 - Certificate IV in Civil Construction (Operations)
- RII40720 - Certificate IV in Civil Construction (Supervision)
- RII40820 - Certificate IV in Civil Construction Design
- RII40920 - Certificate IV in Drilling Operations
- RII41319 - Certificate IV in Emergency Response Coordination
- RII50120 - Diploma of Surface Operations Management
- RII50315 - Diploma of Minerals Processing
- RII50420 - Diploma of Civil Construction Management
- RII50520 - Diploma of Civil Construction Design
- RII50520 & RII60520 - Dual Diploma of Civil Construction Design & Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design
- RII50920 - Diploma of Underground Coal Mining Management
- RII60220 - Advanced Diploma of Extractive Industries Management
- RII60320 - Advanced Diploma of Underground Coal Mining Management
- RII60520 - Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design
- RII60620 - Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction
- RII60720 - Advanced Diploma of Surface Coal Mining Management
- RIIBEF402D - Supervise On-Site Operations
- RIIBHD301E - Conduct Surface Blast Hole Drilling Operations
- RIIBLA201E - Support Shotfiring Operations
- RIIBLA202F - Support Underground Shotfiring Operations
- RIIBLA203E - Conduct Mobile Mixing of Explosives
- RIICBS203E - Safely handle bituminous materials
- RIICBS301E - Conduct Profile Planer Operations
- RIICBS303E - Conduct Materials Transfer Vehicle Operations
- RIICBS307E - Conduct Bitumen Sprayer Operations
- RIICBS312E - Conduct Bitumen Tanker Operations
- RIICCM202E - Identify, Locate and Protect Underground Services
- RIICCM210E - Install Trench Support
- RIICCM303 - Conduct vacuum excavations
- RIICOM201E - Communicate in the Workplace
- RIICRC208E - Lay Pipes
- RIICSG405E - Carry Out Inspections of Civil Structures
- RIICWD503E - Prepare Traffic Management Plans and Traffic Guidance Schemes
- RIIENV301E - Conduct Atmospheric Monitoring
- RIIERR201E - Conduct Fire Team Operations
- RIIERR203E - Escape From Hazardous Situations Unaided
- RIIERR205D - Apply Initial Response First Aid
- RIIERR302E - Respond to Local Emergencies and Incidents
- RIIGOV401E - Apply, Monitor and Report on Compliance Systems
- RIIHAN201E - Operate a Forklift
- RIIHAN203E - Conduct Lifting Operations
- RIIHAN204D - Load and Unload Cargo/Goods
- RIIHAN208E - Perform Dogging
- RIIHAN209E - Perform Basic Rigging
- RIIHAN212E - Conduct Non-Slewing Crane Operations
- RIIHAN301E - Operate Elevating Work Platform
- RIIHAN304E - Conduct Slewing Crane Operations
- RIIHAN305D - Operate a Gantry or Overhead Crane
- RIIHAN307E - Operate a Vehicle Loading Crane
- RIIHAN308F - Load and Unload Plant
- RIIHAN309F - Conduct Telescopic Materials Handler Operations
- RIIHAN311F - Conduct Operations with Integrated Tool Carrier
- RIILAT401E - Provide Leadership in the Supervision of Indigenous Employees
- RIIMPO205E - Operate Roller/Compactor
- RIIMPO206D - Conduct Bulk Water Truck Operations
- RIIMPO208F - Operate Support Equipment
- RIIMPO301E - Conduct Hydraulic Excavator Operations
- RIIMPO302E - Conduct Hydraulic Shovel Operations
- RIIMPO304E - Conduct Wheel Loader Operations
- RIIMPO308F - Conduct Tracked Dozer Operations
- RIIMPO309F - Conduct Wheeled Dozer Operations
- RIIMPO310F - Conduct Grader Operations
- RIIMPO312E - Conduct Scraper Operations
- RIIMPO315E - Conduct Tractor Operations
- RIIMPO316E - Conduct Self Propelled Compactor Operations
- RIIMPO317F - Conduct Roller Operations
- RIIMPO318F - Conduct Civil Construction Skid Steer Loader Operations
- RIIMPO319E - Conduct Backhoe/Loader Operations
- RIIMPO320F - Conduct Civil Construction Excavator Operations
- RIIMPO321F - Conduct Civil Construction Wheeled Front End Loader Operations
- RIIMPO322E - Conduct Civil Construction Tracked Front End Loader Operations
- RIIMPO323E - Conduct Civil Construction Dozer Operations
- RIIMPO324F - Conduct Civil Construction Grader Operations
- RIIMPO325E - Conduct Civil Construction Scraper Operations
- RIIMPO326E - Conduct Water Vehicle Operations
- RIIMPO334E - Conduct Skid Steer Loader Operations Using Attachments
- RIIMPO335E - Conduct Skid Steer Loader Operations Without Attachments
- RIIMPO336E - Conduct Belly Dump Truck Operations
- RIIMPO337E - Conduct Articulated Haul Truck Operations
- RIIMPO338E - Conduct Rigid Haul Truck Operations
- RIINHB323D - Conduct Horizontal Directional Drilling
- RIIQUA201E - Maintain and Monitor Site Quality Standards
- RIIRIS201E - Conduct Local Risk Control
- RIIRIS301E - Apply Risk Management Processes
- RIIRIS402E - Carry Out the Risk Management Process
- RIIRIS501E - Implement and Maintain Management Systems to Control Risk
- RIIRIS601E - Establish and maintain risk management systems
- RIIRTM203E - Work as a Safety Observer/Spotter
- RIIRTM301E - Operate Truck or Trailer Mounted Attenuators
- RIISAM202E - Isolate and Access Plant
- RIISAM203E - Use Hand and Power Tools
- RIISAM204E - Operate Small Plant and Equipment
- RIISAM212E - Service Mine Plant and Equipment
- RIISAM301F - Test Operational Functions of Vehicles and Equipment
- RIISS00030 - Explosion Protected Diesel Engine Systems Maintenance Skill Set
- RIISS00033 - Underground Coal Mine Safety Skill Set
- RIISS00034 - Surface Coal Mine Safety Skill Set
- RIISS00054 - Traffic Controller Skill Set
- RIISS00055 - Traffic Management Implementer Skill Set
- RIISS00056 - Traffic Management Designer Skill Set
- RIISS00058 - Traffic Controller Skill Set for Urban Streets and Low Volume Rural Roads
- RIISS00059 - Traffic Controller Skill Set for High Volume Roads
- RIISS00060 - Traffic Management Implementer Skill Set for Urban Streets and Low Volume Rural Roads
- RIISS00061 - Traffic Management Implementer Skill Set for High Volume Roads
- RIISS00062 - Traffic Management Implementer Skill Set for Motorways and Freeways
- RIISS00063 - Traffic Management Designer Skill Set for Urban Streets and Low Volume Rural Roads
- RIISS00064 - Traffic Management Designer Skill Set for High Volume Roads
- RIISS00065 - Traffic Management Designer Skill Set for Motorways and Freeways
- RIIUND207E - Conduct Underground Lifting Operations
- RIIVEH201E - Operate a Light Vehicle
- RIIVEH202F - Operate a Medium Vehicle
- RIIVEH302E - Operate Multi-combination Vehicle
- RIIVEH303F - Drive Heavy Combination Vehicle
- RIIVEH304E - Conduct Tip Truck Operations
- RIIVEH305F - Operate and Maintain a Four Wheel Drive Vehicle
- RIIVEH307F - Operate a Heavy Rigid Vehicle
- RIIWHS201E - Work Safely and Follow WHS Policies and Procedures
- RIIWHS202E - Enter and Work in Confined Spaces
- RIIWHS202E & MSMWHS217 - Combined Confined Space Entry and Gas Testing
- RIIWHS204E - Work Safely at Heights
- RIIWHS204E & CPCCCM2012 - Work Safely at Heights (Dual Course)
- RIIWHS205E - Control Traffic with Stop-Slow Bat
- RIIWHS206 - Control Traffic with Portable Traffic Control Devices and Temporary Traffic Signs
- RIIWHS301E - Conduct Safety and Health Investigations
- RIIWHS302E - Implement Traffic Management Plan
- RIIWHS303 - Position, Set Up and Program Portable Traffic Control Devices
- RIIWHS401E - Supervise Work in Confined Spaces
- RIIWHS601E - Establish and maintain the WHS management system
- RIIWMG203E - Drain And Dewater Civil Construction Sites